Monday, April 27, 2009

Maintaining Honesty and Integrity by Jim Rohn

Maintaining Honesty and Integrity by Jim Rohn (excerpted from Cultivating an Unshakable Character)

For a leader, honesty and integrity are absolutely essential to survival. A lot of business people don't realize how closely they're being watched by their subordinates. Remember when you were a kid in grammar school, how you used to sit there staring at your teacher all day? By the end of the school year, you could do a perfect imitation of all your teacher's mannerisms. You were aware of the slightest nuances in your teacher's voice - all the little clues that distinguished levels of meaning that told you the difference between bluff and "now I mean business".
And you were able to do that after eight or nine months of observation. Suppose you had five or 10 years. Do you think there would have been anything about your teacher you didn't know?
Now fast forward and use that analogy as a manager. Do you think there's anything your people don't know about you right this minute? If you haven't been totally aboveboard and honest with them, do you really think you've gotten away with it? Not too likely. But if you've been led to believe that you've gotten away with it, there might be a good probability that people are afraid of you, and that's a problem in its own right.
But there is another side of this coin. In any organization, people want to believe in their leaders. If you give them reason to trust you, they're not going to go looking for reasons to think otherwise, and they'll be just as perceptive about your positive qualities as they are about the negative ones.
A situation that happened some years ago at a company in the Midwest illustrates this perfectly. The wife of a new employee experienced complications in the delivery of a baby. There was a medical bill of more than $10,000, and the health insurance company didn't want to cover it. The employee hadn't been on the payroll long enough, the pregnancy was a preexisting condition, etc,etc,..
In any case, the employee was desperate. He approached the company CEO and asked him to talk to the insurance people. The CEO agreed, and the next thing the employee knew, the bill was gone and the charges were rescinded.
Then he told some colleagues about the way the CEO had so readily used his influence with the insurance company, they just shook their heads and smiled. The CEO had paid the bill out of his own pocket, and everybody knew it, no matter how quietly it had been done.
Now an act of dishonesty can't be hidden either, and it will instantly undermine the authority of a leader. But an act of integrity and kindness like the example above is just as obvious to all concerned. When you're in a leadership position, you have the choice of how you will be seen, but you will be seen one way or the other, make no mistake about it.
One of the most challenging areas of leadership is your family. Leadership of a family demands even higher standards of honesty and integrity, and the stakes are higher too. You can replace disgruntled employees and start over. You can even get a new job for yourself, if it comes to that. But your family can't be shuffled like a deck of cards. If you haven't noticed, kids are great moral philosophers, especially as they get into adolescence. They're determined to discover and expose any kind of hypocrisy, phoniness, or lack of integrity on the part of authority figures, and if we're parents, that means us. It's frightening how unforgiving kids can be about this, but it really isn't a conscious decision on their part; it's just a necessary phase of growing up.
They're testing everything, especially their parents.
As a person of integrity yourself, you'll find it easy to teach integrity to your kids, and they in turn will find it easy to accept you as a teacher. This is a great opportunity and also a supreme responsibility, because kids simply must be taught to tell the truth: to mean what they say and to say what they mean.
Praise is one of the world's most effective teaching and leadership tools. Criticism and blame, even if deserved, are counterproductive unless all other approaches have failed.
Now for the other side of the equation, we all know people who have gotten ahead as a result of dishonest or unethical behavior. When you're a kid, you might naively think that never happens, but when you get older, you realize that it does. Then you think you've really wised up. But that's not the real end of it. When you get older, you see the long-term consequences of dishonest gain, and you realize that in the end it doesn't pay.
“Hope of dishonest gain is the beginning of loss.’ I don't think that old saying refers to loss of money. I think it actually means loss of self-respect. You can have all the material things in the world, but if you've lost respect for yourself, what do you really have? The only way to ever attain success and enjoy it is to achieve it honestly with pride in what you've done.
This isn't just a sermon, it's very practical advice. Not only can you take it to heart - you can take it to the bank.
To Your Success,
Jim Rohn

Perfect for a new graduate, Jim Rohn's Cultivating an Unshakable Character provides an inspirational look at the 12 pillars of character, the inner resources that support and sustain you on your journey through life. It's now available at great savings as part of our special graduation gifts offer. For complete details, go to

Monday, April 20, 2009

Social Networking & G.P.T. & Home Based Business OR MLM STOP THE MADNESS! (Part 1)

Social Networking and G.P.T and Home Based Business OR MLM STOP THE MADNESS!
How many people can be out their branding themselves? What will be the next Social Networking Buzz and how soon will it fade away? How much do I REALLY have to spend and who is REALLY making the Money? These are the questions I will answer and a lot more as I reveal the truth behind the “New Way” of building a network marketing business and Social Network websites and the internet as a whole. Network Marketing is a relationship business and the “old School” techniques are NOT dead, they are simply being done a new way with new marketing tools such as the Internet.
Let me make this clear, the Internet is a GREAT way to build your business and social media websites are awesome, however these are just tools and not a means to an end and are NOT need to start a real network marketing home based business. Network Marketing has been around WAY before the Internet, how do you think the Mega Companies became so successful with out it? The same way the REAL network marketing Companies are doing it now… Online and Offline… New and Old.
There are businesses out their creating “systems” that are doing very well, however they are all going to be short lived and many will loose out and not make true time freedom wealth. These are the business system that gives Network Marketing a bad name.
Here is what is happening:
There are self proclaimed Social Network Marketing “Gurus” Popping up EVERYWHERE, how many guru’s can there be?
They ALL are selling products teaching you business skills, yes a lot of these skill are great information and rooted from the “Old School” such wisdom from Business Skill Giants like Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Jim Rohn and Zig Ziglar to name a few. As Robert Kiyosaki would say, “It’s NOT money that makes you Rich, its Business Skills” However, what is really going on is these companies selling these products which are just DVD, EBooks, CDs and online videos are being sold to network marketers who are “struggling” for people to join their business.
OK so what is wrong with that?

Nothing expect that these guru’s are telling these network marketers that they will show them how to get thousands of leads for their business, however what they are NOT telling them is the business they are talking about is their business selling these “How to” products, NOT their business. What they do is downplay these network marketers own business by calling them “Primary” business, now if you have a “primary” business it only means you have a secondary, however the FACT is you cannot build two NM businesses, there is a HUGE conflict of interest and since their business “looks” easier and the initial investment is less, everyone is going to focus on the so called “secondary” business which is their business, that is as far as their “Genius” business system goes, if you want to call deceiving people genius!
What they are NOT telling You.
They are NOT telling you how much you need to invest in advertising to generate these thousand of leads and even if they have some great “on a budget” tips and tricks to get all the Google and blog hits its going to cost over $500 a month and a lot of blogging to accomplish this no matter how you look at it; a huge investment and a huge learning curve and a lot of time.
They are also NOT telling you that there will be thousands of people just like you in which they have to compete with and they all will have the same cookie cutter websites and all be NM Gurus. Oh yes they will show you how to “brand” yourself by creating some video of yourself telling struggling network marketers lies, telling them what they want to hear not what they need to hear. Most network marketers fail because they do not follow their upline system or the system they are in is the problem or they are told that they will make money instantly; well these Guys are telling you the same thing. The real NM Companies don’t do this and most people quit because they do not want to put in the work.
Let me explain one type of trick they are using I like to call the “I was in that business” trick.
They use internet keywords of other Network Marketing Company names to attract these network marketers Most of these companies they use are VERY successful reputable companies that are in the health and wellness industry which are selling consumable products that create real residual time freedom income and they make these websites say that they were also in your business and failed miserably because they did not have a system like they have now. They will say things like OH I had to Cold call these people and get rejected and how I had to sell products and beg people to join my business and so on.

They are Lying, because if you change their link and replace your company name with another company name, it will say the same thing about how they where in another company. I have done this one time with over 10 company’s names and again and again their web page talked about how they where in Company ABC… how many companies can you be in? Really give me a break! I am tempted to put an example in this message however I refuse to name any of these businesses; I am not looking to point out any of these Guys for two reasons.
  1. It is very clear who these so called gurus are, as you know they spend thousands and make their team members spend thousands to get top Google rankings, so they are everywhere and they brag about it to and show you!
  2. If I mention a company then I will just get a bunch of comments from these Guys defending their business system, this way if they do comment, I can tell them I never mentioned your business… I guess you know who you are.
So you may be thinking again, so what is wrong with all this, the idea is to make money and it is CLEAR that these guys are making money. Well if you want to make money lying to people then go ahead and if you want to make non residual money that is depended on lies from the top, then have fun and see how long the ride will last.
Speaking of lying, here is another thing they do and that is showing you how much they are making. I call this the “look at my checks” trick. They got handfuls of checks or they show you their PayPal accounts with huge totals, the funny thing is these pictures are mostly from their guru at the top, think about this for a moment. Let’s say you join one of these systems how in the world will you instantly have ALL these checks to flash and show people on your webpage? THINK about it! Of course you will not so you have to lie again and again.
No harm in that you might think, if that is how you ride, then go join them.
I have been emailed a thousand times by these Guys in all shapes and sizes. I just put up a YouTube video up and no sooner than 10 minutes I get one of these guru’s telling me in a comment how they can show me how to get thousands of hits to my YouTube site. WOW that is cool, however again they are NOT talking about the video or my YouTube channel I just posted about my business.
So what do we have to offer?
We have to offer one thing and that is The Truth… take it or leave it. Here is how our Fast Track To 20K business system works.
  1. We are part of a Company that has broken ALL Growth Records in its industry that sells recession-proof consumable products that people love and order month after month year after year.
  2. Our business system requires No Selling of products, no time and money wasted on advertising or marketing because our system combines all of this for each team member and everyone works together.
  3. You will never have to invest no more than $8.33 a day in your business and you will learn true time after time tested “old School” business skills that have NEVER failed for any business model including network marketing.
  4. You will create REAL relationships between you and your Sponsor that goes beyond automated “no reply” emails and cookie cutter websites.
  5. You will be accountable to your Goals and Dreams because of our unique contractual agreement which holds both you and your Sponsor accountable to both of your Goals and Dreams and you will be working with people of integrity, who are honest, teachable and know how to follow instructions which DO NOT include blogging, social media sites or spending thousands on generating Google hits. You will be learn real business skills that will change the way you see business and money, you will learn how the wealthy make money and how they keep it for a lifetime.
  6. You will NOT be begging people to join your business, instead you will be offering positions to people you pick for REAL growing positions in your business. NO cold calling as well, you will be in contact with people who are waiting for you to call them and are looking to fulfill their Goals and Dreams within their lifetime and their children’s lifetime for decades to come.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Friends Can Drag You Down

Friends Can Drag You Down

What I want to share with you here has a lot to do with your friends. Please keep reading!

If you live in a home, I'm certain you have an idea what the houses are going for in your neighborhood. Depending on how long you have been living in your home, you might even know how much your house has appreciated over the years.

Although sometimes, depending on the location or the economy, your house may depreciate. If that's the case, you need to move. Find yourself a better neighborhood.

I am sure you have heard that your network determines your net worth? Now, my question to you is how is your net worth? Okay, let's get back to the real estate concept.

How do you think appraisers come up with the value of a home? Most likely they research your area to find out what prices houses have been selling for. Based on their findings, they put a price tag on yours.

Of course, there are other factors to it. The condition of your home is one of them. But I guarantee you that what other houses around the block are selling for have a huge factor. Basically, the value of your home is directly related to the value of the homes within the area.

Consider your friends. Just like your home, your value is directly related to the value of your friends. So, if you have a bunch of friends who are struggling and making low income, it will have a direct reflection on your personal value. It's all about your network!

Like the old adage says, “Tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell who you are.” Well, in this case, it’s “I’ll tell you what you have.” Take a moment to let this sink in. You may agree or disagree. But it’s really true! There’s a good reason why birds of a feather flock together.

The rule of thumb is to always surround yourself with people who will help increase your net worth–your value. Does that make sense? It should.

Let’s see, take a good inventory of your friends. How productive are they? Do they have a great monthly income? Do they spend their money foolishly? Do they invest in personal development? Do they talk about negative and petty things? Do they have mentors? Do they have a solid plan for the future? Are they focused and committed?

I can go on and on with those questions. But my point is very simple. Do not surround yourself with people who will depreciate your value. Make a mental note of this: You become who you hang with.

The reality is, even your language will change depending on the friends you spend time with. Personally, I start using certain words in my conversations based on who I spend my days with. You might think that you are not easily influenced. But no man or woman is exempt from falling under the influence of another.

Listen, I don’t know you. Well, maybe I do. But whether I do or not, your entire life and situation at the moment is a direct reflection of the people whom you surround yourself with. Period. If you want more or a better life, eliminate your present cabinet. Act as if there’s a new president in office.

I really do hope that I’m making sense to you. Many years ago, I had some friends who were up to no good. At the time, I didn’t know it. I’m sure you might not be aware of it either. But, over time, as I began to change my mindset and have better focus on exactly where I want to be in the future, my network automatically began to shift.

That’s amazing! Some of the people who were my friends slowly began to evaporate from my life. And you know what? It wasn’t my doing. I didn’t wake up one day and say, No. Somehow, we just lost touch. Even when we meet, the conversation is always short. Why? Again, it’s not intentional. We simply don’t have too much in common anymore.

That’s not to say because I have achieved some level of success, I’m dumping my friends. Of course not. Many of the people I knew long ago are still friends. But you can bet they, too, are moving upward. They are progressing just like I am. Everything on this earth is either contracting or expanding. I want to expand! Don’t you?

By the way, I do try very hard to bring friends with me where I’m heading. But many refuse. And I find no need to drag myself down with them while trying to save them. I hope you feel the same way, too.

My advice to you is to never let friends drag you down and depreciate your value. Lovingly zap them out of your life. Simply put, love them, be there if they need you, but guard your mind diligently so that they don’t depreciate your value.

Finally, if the quality of your life is not appreciating, it’s depreciating. Maybe your neighborhood is going down. I am talking about your friends and environment. Then you need to move! Find yourself a better and more valuable neighborhood.

To your success,
Rene Godefroy

Original Post at

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Beeronomics: Ten Men drinking Beer and your Taxes

Beeronomics: Ten Men drinking Beer and your Taxes

I’m going to share with you a great analogy to how the American Tax System works.
This is best I have ever seen this described. Make sure you pay close attention because it’s a good lesson why it’s important to be an Entrepreneur and more importantly why you should be wealthy. This guy is a genius and we could use more people like him.
Written by: David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics, University of Georgia.
Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer, and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.

The fifth would pay $1.
The sixth would pay $3.
The seventh would pay $7.
The eighth would pay $12.
The ninth would pay $18.
The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.

So, that’s what they decided to do. The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. ‘Since you are all such good customers, he said, I’m going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20. Drinks for the ten now cost just $80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men - the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his ‘fair share?’

They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody’s share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man’s bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay!
And so: The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing–(100% or 0% savings).

The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 —————(33% savings).
The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7———— (28% savings).
The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12———— (25% savings).
The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 ————(22% savings).
The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59———— (16% savings).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.
‘I only got a dollar out of the $20, ‘declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man, ‘but he got $10!’

‘Yeah, that’s right,’ exclaimed the fifth man. ‘I only saved a dollar, too. It’s unfair that he got ten times more than I!’

‘That’s true!!’ shouted the seventh man. ‘Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!’

‘Wait a minute,’ yelled the first four men in unison. ‘We didn’t get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!’ The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next night the tenth man didn’t show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn’t have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!
And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works. The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction.

Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

I hope you enjoyed the lesson in Beeronomics…

I couldn’t have said it any better. One things for sure either we better get educated about who we elect to keep taxes down or we’re all going to have to sober up!
Go ahead right now and leave a comment below.

I would really like your thoughts on what you just learned.

Running A Successful Business

Consumable Product, it just make Home Business sense

When it comes to running a successful home based business that can pay you for years and years to come, there are several important factors to consider when choosing a company to run with.
First, you want to market a consumable product that has a high demand in the marketplace.

This will ensure that when the bottle or jar is empty, people want to re-order or purchase again to continue to receive the fantastic benefits of the product.
This element alone creates what is called "product attachment" which will allow YOU to earn income for years and even decades into the future as your customers continually order product direct from your company.

Second, you want to market a Product that has a broad range of benefits, so that it doesn't only appeal to just one niche market, but to everyone, from young to old.
Third, you want to market a product that people want, need and can afford.

And finally, you want to market a product that has a powerful system behind it.
You see, although McDonald's certainly does not have the best tasting hamburger in the world, it sure has the best system in the world for selling lots of hamburgers.

This is why McDonalds is one of the most successful businesses in the history of business.
Their System is everything to their success.

And so will yours be.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Are You on the Right Path?

Are You on the Right Path?

One of the first things successful people realize is the old adage, "If it is to be, it is up to me." Your success and your course are up to you. Jim Rohn, personal-development icon, says you must ask yourself this question: Are all the disciplines I'm currently engaged in taking me where I want to go?
"What an important question to ask yourself at the beginning of the month, the beginning of the week, the beginning of the day. You don't ever want to kid yourself—hoping you will arrive at a good destination when you're not even headed that way," Rohn says.
Ask yourself if the direction you're headed is what you want for your life and if it's your own direction.
"After you have answered these questions within yourself, then take it one step further and ask, 'What am I doing that is working or not working?' Debate it all," Rohn says. "Let the power of your own ambition take you where you want to go, to do what you want to do, to create the life you want to live."
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