Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ask Yourself This Question: Who is Stopping You From Building Your Life?

Sit down in a quite place and ask yourself this simple question; "why am I where I am right now in my life?"

Now if you come up with an answer that has ANYTHING to do with you being where you are because of; a person, an institution or a group of people, then you are in bondage to that particular person, institution or group of people. There is NO hope for you if they are the ones to blame for being where you are right now.

You may say, well God is my vengeance and he is faithful and he will provide; you are ABSOLUTELY correct in saying that, however you have to know God and his way’s in order for him to Bless you.

There is a very popular story in the Bible that everyone is familiar with both believers and non believers; the story of Noah, the building of the ark and the Great flood. God said he will Bless Noah and his whole family and save them from destruction because Noah was a man of God, a man of integrity.

This is the account of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God. - Genesis 6:9 (NIV)

God told Noah to build an ark and gave detailed instructions on how to do it and by nature supplied him with all the resources he needed to build it.

Very interesting story; why did God instruct Noah to build the ark; couldn’t God have just built it for him? Noah was NOT a carpenter, I am sure he had a lot of real good excuses to not build the ark and he was surrounded by a world of Godless Evil people who most likely did everything they could to make fun and discourage him, you can only imagine.

God will give you EVERYTHING in life that you need in order for his Blessings to “rain” down on you; however you must build the ark yourself despite your circumstances. God Bless. – Chris Stevenson. 

Feel free to leave a comment below.

Reference: The Holy Bible ; Genesis Chapter 6


  1. You are right! Thank you and God Bless.

  2. You are Very Welcome, however Thank God as well for his Wonderful and Powerful Words.

  3. wow chris. like noah, we all have an awsome adventure to walk with him. a key is that noah walked with God. this means he had a relationship with him. he is the best choice to have on every adventure in life. He is the greatest mentor of all. God bless,

    Jacob Marcus

  4. Jacob, that is a VERY important part of this True Story; Walk with God and we are able to do this because of Jesus Christ our advocate, our savior. You know some people may say to me, why are you comparing messages from the Bible to your business and I always say the same thing. "Why NOT?" then I say "should I build my business WITHOUT the Word of God?" Thanks for the comment and all your hard work. God Bless - Chris Stevenson

  5. My Brother Chris;

    This is another of your truly inspired works.
    For the relative short time on this earth and in these bodies, I feel that the only worthwhile Friends, the only trustworthy Business Associates are other like minded Christians. This page is inspired in that it was designed to bring into our business other like minded Christians. God Bless, Your Brother in Christ, John

  6. Thank you John for those very Kind and awesome words! Life is hard, there is NO argument there, however when you have a brother and sisters in Christ with you along the way there is only Blessings that come out of such a relationship.

    Like you said we live here in this World for a very short time... let's make the best of it and glorify God, then we all can be together for eternal walking with God for the rest of the BEST part of our Lives. God Bless You John and your Family in Jesus Holy Name. - Chris Stevenson

  7. You know, there are a lot of things I tried in the Network Marketing Industry but I have to let all of you know "the Fast Track To 20K Business System" is the best system ever developed because it is simple and it attracts quality people.It is nice to work with like minded people and work as a team as well.As a team we all will accomplish what we are set out to do. I love it. Gabriele Majczuk

  8. Gabriele, like you said we are finding real good people with our system. The real successful people in a Home Based Business know that this is a relationship business and getting to know someone in your business makes a lot of sense.

    NO one in their right minds just partnerships with just anybody in a business, so why are people doing it in their Home based business... it is amazing. We actually pick and choose we we want in our business, it is Not about selling and closing a deal.

    Back to this blog and the word of God; we all have the resources and opportunities to be successful, the reason why so many are not successful and a few are is because only a few are able to see it and only a few of them are able to go beyond their circumstances and come out more than conquerors!

    What do successful people have in common? They do what other successful people do. Noah was successful in building the ark, he was the few.

    God Bless - Chris Stevenson

  9. I am a beginner.....where do I start

  10. Hi Jeannine,
    When you mean you are a beginner, are you talking about your walk with Jesus? If so then begin by reading the Bible; the book of John is a great start and find a Church that is a Bible believing Church and teaches that Jesus is the Son of God and he died for all our sins.

    If you are talking about a beginner in business and in changing your life, the visit our website at and learn how we are teaching people to make money at home by feeding starving children.
    If both... then do both! God Bless - Chris Stevenson


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